2011年12月7日 星期三

Munin installation

# yum install munin munin-node

# chkconfig munin-node on

# service munin-node start

# vim /etc/munin/munin.conf

dbdir   /var/lib/munin
htmldir /var/www/html/munin 
logdir  /var/log/munin
rundir  /var/run/munin
# Where to look for the HTML templates
tmpldir /etc/munin/templates
# a simple host tree [xxx.xx.xx]           ← domain name     
use_node_name yes

# mkdir /var/www/html/munin

# chown munin:munin /var/www/html/munin/

# service munin-node restart

# vim /var/www/html/munin/.htaccess

AuthUserFile /etc/munin/munin-htpasswd
AuthName "Munin"
AuthType Basic
<limit GET PUT POST>
require valid-user

# htpasswd -c /etc/munin/munin-htpasswd admin

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