Open serveradmin
select overview => Gateway Setup Assistant
press ethernet => continue => and check the airport to combine the to network interface via NAT.
if you do not need the proxy server then press continue to skip the step.
Open network preferences
Create Network
And the icon will appear like this
The NAT is unstable.
so you may use command to restart it by forcing
#sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.natd.plist
#sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.natd.plist
In your client Macbook series, you must use the Network preferences via Assist me to join the
Miniserver wireless AP. And the icon is same pic upside.
But the others iOS devices just open wifi and join it.
At lease, you can let your MacMini Server been a wireless AP via NAT DHCP and DNS.
notice: Please do not forget open the firewall DHCP port on your MacMini Server
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