2011年3月28日 星期一

Synergy KVM software control on MAC OSX & UNIX by MacBook Air to Mac Mini Server

download & convert file => Synergy Download

you will find synergy-x.x.x-MacOSX-Universal folder

Server (MacBook Air keyboard & touchpad)

open and cp doc/synergy.conf.sample synergy.conf

vi the conf file like this

section: screens

section: links
                right = bar.local

                left  = foo.local

execute the synergy server by configure and listen client connection

#sudo ./synergys -f --config synergy.conf

Client (Mac Mini Server + screen)

#./synergyc -f "HostName or IP"

The result is that can use Air's keyboard and touchpad to remote control the 

Mini Server screen and key-in.

And I have more efficiencies to do my job by the one keyboard and touchpad with two Macs.   

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